Latest release
- conduit-connector-mysql_0.1.2_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz
- conduit-connector-mysql_0.1.2_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
- conduit-connector-mysql_0.1.2_Linux_arm64.tar.gz
- conduit-connector-mysql_0.1.2_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
- conduit-connector-mysql_0.1.2_Windows_arm64.tar.gz
- conduit-connector-mysql_0.1.2_Windows_x86_64.tar.gz
A source and destination connector for MySQL
Source Parameters
version: 2.2
- id: example
status: running
- id: example-source
type: source
plugin: "mysql"
name: example-source
# DSN is the connection string for the MySQL database.
# Type: string
dsn: ""
# Tables represents the tables to read from. - By default, no tables
# are included, but can be modified by adding a comma-separated string
# of regex patterns. - They are applied in the order that they are
# provided, so the final regex supersedes all previous ones. - To
# include all tables, use "*". You can then filter that list by adding
# a comma-separated string of regex patterns. - To set an "include"
# regex, add "+" or nothing in front of the regex. - To set an
# "exclude" regex, add "-" in front of the regex. - e.g. "-.*meta$,
# wp_postmeta" will exclude all tables ending with "meta" but include
# the table "wp_postmeta".
# Type: string
tables: ""
# DisableCanalLogs disables verbose logs.
# Type: bool
disableCanalLogs: ""
# FetchSize limits how many rows should be retrieved on each database
# fetch.
# Type: int
fetchSize: "10000"
# SortingColumn allows to force using a custom column to sort the
# snapshot.
# Type: string
tableConfig.*.sortingColumn: ""
# UnsafeSnapshot allows a snapshot of a table with neither a primary
# key nor a defined sorting column. The opencdc.Position won't record
# the last record read from a table.
# Type: bool
unsafeSnapshot: ""
# Maximum delay before an incomplete batch is read from the source.
# Type: duration
sdk.batch.delay: "0"
# Maximum size of batch before it gets read from the source.
# Type: int
sdk.batch.size: "0"
# Specifies whether to use a schema context name. If set to false, no
# schema context name will be used, and schemas will be saved with the
# subject name specified in the connector (not safe because of name
# conflicts).
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.context.enabled: "true"
# Schema context name to be used. Used as a prefix for all schema
# subject names. If empty, defaults to the connector ID.
# Type: string ""
# Whether to extract and encode the record key with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.key.enabled: "true"
# The subject of the key schema. If the record metadata contains the
# field "opencdc.collection" it is prepended to the subject name and
# separated with a dot.
# Type: string
sdk.schema.extract.key.subject: "key"
# Whether to extract and encode the record payload with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.payload.enabled: "true"
# The subject of the payload schema. If the record metadata contains
# the field "opencdc.collection" it is prepended to the subject name
# and separated with a dot.
# Type: string
sdk.schema.extract.payload.subject: "payload"
# The type of the payload schema.
# Type: string
sdk.schema.extract.type: "avro"
Destination Parameters
version: 2.2
- id: example
status: running
- id: example-destination
type: destination
plugin: "mysql"
name: example-destination
# DSN is the connection string for the MySQL database.
# Type: string
dsn: ""
# Key is the primary key of the specified table.
# Type: string
key: ""
# Table is used as the target table into which records are inserted.
# Type: string
table: ""
# Maximum delay before an incomplete batch is written to the
# destination.
# Type: duration
sdk.batch.delay: "0"
# Maximum size of batch before it gets written to the destination.
# Type: int
sdk.batch.size: "0"
# Allow bursts of at most X records (0 or less means that bursts are
# not limited). Only takes effect if a rate limit per second is set.
# Note that if `sdk.batch.size` is bigger than `sdk.rate.burst`, the
# effective batch size will be equal to `sdk.rate.burst`.
# Type: int
sdk.rate.burst: "0"
# Maximum number of records written per second (0 means no rate
# limit).
# Type: float
sdk.rate.perSecond: "0"
# The format of the output record. See the Conduit documentation for a
# full list of supported formats
# (
# Type: string
sdk.record.format: "opencdc/json"
# Options to configure the chosen output record format. Options are
# normally key=value pairs separated with comma (e.g.
# opt1=val2,opt2=val2), except for the `template` record format, where
# options are a Go template.
# Type: string
sdk.record.format.options: ""
# Whether to extract and decode the record key with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.key.enabled: "true"
# Whether to extract and decode the record payload with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.payload.enabled: "true"