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Author: Meroxa, Inc.Conduit team logo

Latest release


How it works

The Source connector listens for changes appended to the source file and sends records with the changes. The Destination connector receives records and writes them to a file.


The Source connector only cares to have a valid path, even if the file doesn't exist, it will still run and wait until a file with the configured name is there, then it will start listening to changes and sending records.


The Destination connector will create the file if it doesn't exist, and records with changes will be appended to the destination file when received.

Source Parameters

version: 2.2
- id: example
status: running
- id: example-source
type: source
plugin: "file"
name: example-source
# Path is the file path used by the connector to read/write records.
# Type: string
path: ""
# Maximum delay before an incomplete batch is read from the source.
# Type: duration
sdk.batch.delay: "0"
# Maximum size of batch before it gets read from the source.
# Type: int
sdk.batch.size: "0"
# Specifies whether to use a schema context name. If set to false, no
# schema context name will be used, and schemas will be saved with the
# subject name specified in the connector (not safe because of name
# conflicts).
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.context.enabled: "true"
# Schema context name to be used. Used as a prefix for all schema
# subject names. If empty, defaults to the connector ID.
# Type: string ""
# Whether to extract and encode the record key with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.key.enabled: "false"
# The subject of the key schema. If the record metadata contains the
# field "opencdc.collection" it is prepended to the subject name and
# separated with a dot.
# Type: string
sdk.schema.extract.key.subject: "key"
# Whether to extract and encode the record payload with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.payload.enabled: "false"
# The subject of the payload schema. If the record metadata contains
# the field "opencdc.collection" it is prepended to the subject name
# and separated with a dot.
# Type: string
sdk.schema.extract.payload.subject: "payload"
# The type of the payload schema.
# Type: string
sdk.schema.extract.type: "avro"

Destination Parameters

version: 2.2
- id: example
status: running
- id: example-destination
type: destination
plugin: "file"
name: example-destination
# Path is the file path used by the connector to read/write records.
# Type: string
path: ""
# Maximum delay before an incomplete batch is written to the
# destination.
# Type: duration
sdk.batch.delay: "0"
# Maximum size of batch before it gets written to the destination.
# Type: int
sdk.batch.size: "0"
# Allow bursts of at most X records (0 or less means that bursts are
# not limited). Only takes effect if a rate limit per second is set.
# Note that if `sdk.batch.size` is bigger than `sdk.rate.burst`, the
# effective batch size will be equal to `sdk.rate.burst`.
# Type: int
sdk.rate.burst: "0"
# Maximum number of records written per second (0 means no rate
# limit).
# Type: float
sdk.rate.perSecond: "0"
# The format of the output record. See the Conduit documentation for a
# full list of supported formats
# (
# Type: string
sdk.record.format: "opencdc/json"
# Options to configure the chosen output record format. Options are
# normally key=value pairs separated with comma (e.g.
# opt1=val2,opt2=val2), except for the `template` record format, where
# options are a Go template.
# Type: string
sdk.record.format.options: ""
# Whether to extract and decode the record key with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.key.enabled: "true"
# Whether to extract and decode the record payload with a schema.
# Type: bool
sdk.schema.extract.payload.enabled: "true"