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Conduit's own data (information about pipelines, connectors, etc.) can be stored in the following databases:

  • BadgerDB (default)
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

It's also possible to store all the data in memory, which is sometimes useful for development purposes.

The database type used can be configured with the db.type parameter (through any of the configuration options in Conduit).

For example, to configure a PostgresSQL database with Conduit, the CLI flag to use a is as follows: -db.type=postgres.

Changing database parameters (e.g. the PostgreSQL connection string) is done through parameters of the following form: db.<db type>.<parameter name>.

For example, if we wanted to use a PostgreSQL instance listening on localhost:5432 using command line flags:

$ ./conduit run 

This can also be done using configuration options in your Conduit configuration file:

type: postgres
connection-string: postgresql://localhost:5432/conduitdb

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