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Building from source

Before you can build Conduit from source, you need to have Go 1.21 or higher installed. The Go website has comprehensive instructions on how to get the language installed on your machine. Once installed, you can follow the rest of the instructions.

  1. Start by downloading the source code from the latest stable release on the Conduit Releases Page. Alternatively, you can run this command to automatically download the latest stable source to your current directory:
$ TAG=$(curl -s | grep "tag_name\": \"v[0-9.]*" | awk -F \" '/tag_name\": \"*\"/{print $(NF-1)}') && curl -o conduit.tgz -L$TAG

A file called conduit.tgz will be in your current directory. The next step is to expand the source:

$ tar zxvf conduit.tgz

Then change directories to the appropriate folder. Keep in mind that the folder name might be different between releases since it's tied to the latest git sha for the commit.

$ cd ConduitIO-

Now build the project:

$ make

If you want to build conduit without the UI, instead of running make, you can run the following command:

$ make build-server

You will have a new binary built for your architecture and machine. All that's left is to run it!


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