Builtin Processors
📄️ avro.decode
Decodes a field's raw data in the Avro format.
📄️ avro.encode
Encodes a record's field into the Avro format.
📄️ base64.decode
Decode a field to base64.
📄️ base64.encode
Encode a field to base64.
📄️ custom.javascript
Run custom JavaScript code.
📄️ error
Returns an error for all records that get passed to the processor.
📄️ field.convert
Convert the type of a field.
📄️ field.exclude
Remove a subset of fields from the record.
📄️ field.rename
Rename a group of fields.
📄️ field.set
Set the value of a certain field.
📄️ filter
Acknowledges all records that get passed to the filter.
📄️ json.decode
Decodes a specific field from JSON raw data (string) to structured data.
📄️ json.encode
Encodes a specific field from structured data to JSON raw data (string).
📄️ unwrap.debezium
Unwraps a Debezium record from the input OpenCDC record.
📄️ unwrap.kafkaconnect
Unwraps a Kafka Connect record from an OpenCDC record.
📄️ unwrap.opencdc
Unwraps an OpenCDC record saved in one of the record's fields.
📄️ webhook.http
Trigger an HTTP request for every record.